After years of making cards for personal use it looks like it may finally start paying off and my work has caugth the attention of some of the manufacturers whose products I use. In the last few years I have had cards published in various magazines (including one in the UK); which has made my cards more available to the general public and to anyone else who reads these magazines. I have also been posting cards on a website called "Cuppas and Cards"; which allows me to share my cards with people who also post their cards there. Then I started "teaching" classes at two of our local craft stores. Then I started this blog; which eventually got me to start a Face Book page. The latter was a revelation and I found lots of sites I became a "fan" of. One of these was the Mrs. Grossman Sticker Company and as a result they contacted me and it looks like I may have some of my cards (using their products) be used on the Mrs. Grossman website. I feel so honored.
I have always been a fan of the Mrs. Grossman products and I always look at how I can incorporate at least one of their products in my cards. Here are a couple of examples ... no explanations, just cards.